
Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage
  • Light to medium pressure
  • Most well-known type of massage in the US
  • Primary goal is relaxation
  • Uses gliding strokes to promote long, supple muscles
  • Includes the use of essential oils, hot towels, and detox foot mud (see additional info below)
  • Available in 60 and 90 minute sessions

What to expect: This modality is performed with the client disrobed, lying on the massage table beneath a sheet and a blanket. Only the area being worked is uncovered at a time. Undergarments may be left on, if preferred by client, though this limits the massage techniques that would be able to be effectively used in those areas.

Timing: A full-body massage includes includes back, glutes, shoulders, arms, legs, feet, hands, pecs, neck, and scalp. (Abdominals and face per client request.) Extra attention in certain areas may be requested, though the time in the other areas will need to be decreased or eliminated.

Additional Info:

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage
  • Deep pressure (see pressure scale info below)
  • Purpose is to release trigger points and to break through adhesions within muscles and connective tissues
  • Massage techniques are performed with and without lotion with extra attention on muscle attachment sites
  • Uses gliding strokes to promote long, supple muscles
  • Includes the use of essential oils, hot towels, and detox foot mud. (see additional info below)
  • Available in 60 and 90 minute sessions

What to expect: This modality is performed with the client disrobed, lying on the massage table beneath a sheet and a blanket. Only the area being worked is uncovered at a time. Undergarments may be left on, if preferred by client, though this limits the massage techniques that would be able to be effectively used in those areas. For effectiveness, client may be asked to perform simple movements, as directed by the therapist, that will engage targeted muscles during the bodywork.

Timing: 90 minutes is generally required for a full-body deep tissue massage. A full-body massage includes includes back, glutes, shoulders, arms, legs, feet, hands, pecs, neck, and scalp. (Abdominals and face per client request.) Extra attention in certain areas may be requested, though the time in the other areas will need to be decreased or eliminated.

Usually a 60 minute deep tissue massage would focus on a certain area of the body i.e. upper body, or lower body, or shoulder girdle, etc. to have ample time to do the most thorough job.

Pressure Scale: More pain does not equal more effectiveness. Please speak up during the massage about how the pressure feels to you is in any given area being worked: On a scale of 1-10, 7 would be “hurts so good”. In that same regard, reporting a 6 or below would mean that you could use more pressure, and an 8 or above would mean that it is too much.

Usually a 60 minute deep tissue massage would focus on a certain area of the body i.e. upper body, or lower body, or shoulder girdle, etc. to have ample time to do the most thorough job.

Additional Info:

Ashiatsu Massage

Ashiatsu Massage
  • Medium or Deep Pressure, depending on client’s preference
  • Therapist uses parallel bars hung from the ceiling to balance and maneuver, while administering massage with the feet
  • Pressure is broad, deep, consistent, and has powerful grounding and relaxing effects
  • This is a full body massage. Every area that can be massaged by the hands can be massaged by the feet
  • Available in 60 and 90 minute sessions

What to expect: This modality is performed with the client disrobed, lying on the massage table beneath a massage towel (link). Therapist applies lotion with the hands, and then proceeds to massage with the feet. Draping is slightly different than for the other modalities: because the blanket is weighted, it can stay securely in place without being tucked tightly as a sheet would need to be. When client is face down, a vertical drape is used. This lets the therapist use connecting strokes that run clear from head to toe on one side of the body at a time. When client is face up, the limbs are modestly exposed at the same time for ease of working as the therapist massages the anterior side of the legs and arms. When face-up, the client’s eyes will be covered with a loose overlapping head wrap for comfort and to provide privacy for the therapist.

Pressure Scale: More pain does not equal more effectiveness. Please speak up during the massage about how the pressure feels to you is in any given area being worked: On a scale of 1-10, 7 would be “hurts so good”. In that same regard, reporting a 6 or below would mean that you could use more pressure, and an 8 or above would mean that it is too much.

Additional Info:

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy
  • Light to medium pressure
  • Most well-known type of massage in the US
  • Primary goal is relaxation
  • Uses gliding strokes to promote long, supple muscles
  • Includes the use of essential oils, hot towels, and detox foot mud

What to expect: This modality is performed with the client disrobed, lying on the massage table beneath a sheet and a blanket. Only the area being worked is uncovered at a time.

Timing: A full-body massage includes includes back, glutes, shoulders, arms, legs, feet, hands, pecs, neck, and scalp. (Abdominals and face per client request.) Extra attention in certain areas may be requested, though the time in the other areas will need to be decreased or eliminated.

Additional Info: Undergarments may be left on, if preferred by client, though it limits the massage techniques that would be able to be effectively used in those areas. I use a blend of Bon Vital’s unscented lotion and massage oil.

Foot Zone Therapy

Foot Zone Therapy
  • Light to medium pressure
  • Most well-known type of massage in the US
  • Primary goal is relaxation
  • Uses gliding strokes to promote long, supple muscles
  • Includes the use of essential oils, hot towels, and detox foot mud

What to expect: This modality is performed with the client disrobed, lying on the massage table beneath a sheet and a blanket. Only the area being worked is uncovered at a time.

Timing: A full-body massage includes includes back, glutes, shoulders, arms, legs, feet, hands, pecs, neck, and scalp. (Abdominals and face per client request.) Extra attention in certain areas may be requested, though the time in the other areas will need to be decreased or eliminated.

Additional Info: Undergarments may be left on, if preferred by client, though it limits the massage techniques that would be able to be effectively used in those areas. I use a blend of Bon Vital’s unscented lotion and massage oil.